Galapagos Centipede
Scolopendra galapagoensis (Galapagos giant centipede) the largest is 30-40cm 44-46cm long Habibat deployment: the Galapagos Islands Santa Cruz Island, in the coastal regions of Ecuador, southern Peru, in the Cook Islands. Black color giant centipede in the King. There is also a discovery of this kind of size 62cm
Scolopendra Caribiaenensis on the island of Curacao, Holland Anttilles have been found up to 41-42cm from wild individuals.Habitat distribution: Caribbean island of Trinidad, South America, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, the Amazon River Basin countries and regions
Scolopendra gigantea Robusta (Centipede giant amazon) length 25-30cm Habitat distribution: Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, the Amazon River Basin countries and regions. Generally, red body, black as an individual, is the result of any difference in color change, and the other is a black individual is actually a giant centipede Galapagos. Because the most convincing is the most widely circulated photograph of each 44cm long, much larger than the average centipede giant amazon
Scolopendra (Centipede giant puerto rico) length 20-25cm Habitat distribution: in the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, Haiti and other countries and regions south american
Scolopendra subspinipes (Vietnamese giant centipede) 18-25cm long Habitat distribution: vietnam rainforest
eeewwwwe gross they are huge
that's what your mom said about my centipede.....
totally disgusting
so cute
lol its like my penis
Wow. How old are you?? I'm guessing quite young giving you childish comment. I'm disappointed in the next generation !
Wow . I'm more disturbed by the immature comments some kids are making than I am about huge these centipedecentipedes are ! Jeenkies !
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