Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Profiles Felly Chibi Personnel Cherry Belle - asian girl band

Felly is one of the personnel Girl Band "Cherrybelle". Personnel where this one has a unique sound and has a pug nose most of all personnel Cherrybelle. Berjibun his room so you know spongebob doll Nickname: Felly TTL: Jakarta, February 21, 1991 Height: 156cm Weight: 40kg (yess, already down more) Hobbies: Dance, sing, walk, photographs Fav food: Indomie, Fetuccini, Ayam rica-rica Fav number: 8 Fav color: Red Idol character: Spongebob Spending time: Just kidding, streets,&nb...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Summer beauty in Alaska

In about four weeks, the summer in Alaska takes a long time to arrive and thendisappear before you could enjoy the summer. However, with about two-threehours a day, planting the plants live here on the shores of the Arctic blast to grow.There is another side of Alaska that is not necessarily always have to involve thewhite stuff. Fireweed with a background scenery of Mount McGinnis. Although Alaska is home to lots of ice and snow, summer is quite warm there. The...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Profiles Wenda Chibi Personnel Cherry Belle - asian girl band

motto. Don't judge the book by it's cover. Love the people who tread you right, and forget about the ones who don't. Believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it!! Nama Lengkap : Sarwendah Tan Nama Panggilan : Wenda TTL : Jakarta, 29 Agustus 1989 Tinggi : 165cm Berat : 41kg Hobby : Fashion, nail art, akting, masak, dance, nyanyi Makanan Fav : Makanan pedas & manis Angka Fav : 27 Warna Fav : Merah Tokoh Idola : Hello Kitty Spending time : Shopping, memanjakan & merawat diri, nail art, dengerin lagu. Twitter :@WendaChibi Fans Page : Wenda Chibi ...

Friday, April 20, 2012

beautiful Lava Falls Yosemite National Park

Wonders in Yosemite National Park, California, it appears at sunset and only inmid-February. Photographers and visitors to the park was waiting the appearance of this natural phenomenon. The appearance of this effect depends on the weather, the straight line betweenthe sun and the earth will make Horsetail waterfalls in Yosemite Park into a bright orange, like a fire. The color is the result of reflection of sunlight on the granite rock beneath the water spill. If the sunset when the sky...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The beauty of the lake in tibet

The beauty of the lake in tibet, In Tibet, the mountain lake is considered as a boon to mankind. Therefore, thehighest in the land is located in the world, countless high peaks continued to connect. And it would be lapangnya our hearts when suddenly saw a blue lakein the hills up the ranks. Most high-lying lake in Tibet, not the least of which over 4,000 meters above sea level. The location is high, plus the fresh air and bright sun, forming alandscape typical of the lake in&...

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